From St. Jude’s Hospital
I would like to share some words from a letter I received from St. Jude’s Hospital in the U.S., a hospital famous for treating pediatric cancer.
Precious Life
Life is a precious gift.
Most people never realize the value of their life until faced with death. For children with cancer or other rare childhood disease, this lesson comes early - too early. Before they ever learn to live, some must learn to die.
While many children lose their battle against these dread diseases, thousands more survive. Thanks to the staff at St. Jude Hospital and their life-saving research.
Twenty years ago, children diagnosed with leukemia were offered little hope. Today, because of research, childhood leukemia is considered curable.
St. Jude stands on the threshold of a dream - that someday no child will lose his/her life to catastrophic illness. But there is still much work to be done, more diseases we must conquer.
You can help make this dream a reality by sending your tax-deduCTible gift to St. Jude. Give the gift of life.